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Ranting and raving. And lots of youtubing.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Could not agree more with any other written word: Vice's review of Deadmau5. Although I find Vice somewhat pretentious hipster chat - they do raise some valid points in a lot of what they say; although they often take a long time to get to a point, which is more often than not not really a mind boggling idea.
But this record review of Deadmau5's most recent release could not have more truth:

Am I the only one mystified by this guy’s success? Is it because he wears a silly bogus-Murakami mask? Or maybe it’s just that the mask makes him the only Eurotrash DJ anyone can identify? You sure can’t pick him out by sounds alone. I see no other possible explanation; it’s inconceivable that anyone finds this music genuinely compelling. Also, he spells his name with a 5.

Particularly the end sentence.
Because - he does spell his name with a 5. Why?

I was going to write some more - but I just burnt the hell out of my hand on pasta sauce.

So I leave with this. This is how men should dress:

And this;
Tyvkek - Blocks

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